Monday, January 6, 2014

Miley Cyrus on Love Magazine's February Cover

Miley Cyrus is on the February cover of Love Magazine! The publication shared on December 30, 2013 its February cover and (you guessed it) Miley Cyrus is on the cover. The "We Can't Stop" singer sports a Mohawk haircut with reddish-pink highlight, complete with pouting lips, minimal make-up, and tangerine shirt.

The Love Magazine cover came after issues of Miley being cut off from a possible Vogue cover. The former "Hannah Montana" star was asked by The New York Times if the issue on the high fashion magazine pulling out on a possible cover for her was true. The pull out was allegedly due to her racy performance at the VMAs - her twerking, in particular.

"I can't say too much," Miley replied. But she hinted that the Vogue cover issue was true when she said, "It was where I was kind of going to have to do this trade-off, and I wasn't willing to."

"Right now, me doing any kind of cover for anythign that's like, a Seventeen or Teen Vogue or whatever, the way that I talk isn't the way that people that are 17 really understand," Cyrus reasoned.

But Portia Baladad of AndPop seemed to think that it was Vogue's loss and landing on the cover of Love Magazine was a definite win for Miley.


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